Literacy Outreach
When families have books at home and actively engage in home reading practices, they significantly increase their child’s reading ability in the future, especially when they regularly enjoy a story together. Comprehension builds well before children are able to conventionally read, so shared reading begins to build vocabulary and comprehension earlier than school-age. Providing books to children is a smart investment; it is an affordable, research-rich strategy to provide access to early literacy for all children.​
$20 Donation
A $20 donation can purchase a gift bag of 4-6 preschool books, delivered directly to hands of children in high-need schools.
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$30 Donation
A $30 donation can purchase 8-10 YA paperbacks to help build a classroom lending library for a middle school classroom in a high-need school.
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$50 Donation
A $50 Donation can purchase a teacher gift-pack of 6-8 beautifully illustrated books centered on a common theme such as Hispanic Heritage or Black History Month, providing teachers with the tools they need to infuse diverse perspectives into the curriculum all year long.
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Any amount!
Any donation amount would help us purchase books for Community Events around the county such as Pride in the Park, Three Kings Day and Juneteenth Jubilee.
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